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Such a good theme for my day, today. I am…becoming a grandmother. It is a struggle. I want to move in with them, no, not really. I want to be there every second, no not true. I relish their “becoming”! Just the three of them. But I struggle. Will they allow me to visit, enough. I want to buy things, but no, there are too many things that get bought. Trying to figure it out. Oh, and then there’s this pandemic. And they are cautiously on overload. And I’m trying to be everything, they want me to be.

Thank you Hilary, for the refocus of my thoughts today. And reminding me, I have a lifetime, of learning, and becoming, a grandmother.

My grandchild is due to arrive on the “outside” in eight weeks. But, I sure did enjoy sitting next to this precious child at mass on Sunday. Seems he slept through the entire service, it must be really comfortable, on the inside. 💝

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